Friday, 31 December 2021


Today I didn't have much time to make my boat. I decided to do something really easy. I got a rubber band propelled propeller and taped it onto a plastic box. Like an aeroplane it goes propeller first. I couldn't fill up the bath because of my brother was on the toilet. I put it in the sink but it hit the sides nearly instantly because it wasn't a very big sink. 

PS, I couldn't find a way to show the video so I put in a picture.

Thursday, 30 December 2021

Origami Box

 I must confess, I am personally no good at origami. I spent around 45 minutes trying to make the box. I tried around 4 different boxes. In the end I just couldn't do it so my dad did it. It took him around 45 minutes to do it.

Between us we wasted around 20 A4 sheets of paper.

Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Water Cycle Bag Experiment

 I did the water cycle experiment. It was mostly cloudy when I did it so it didn't really work. After about a hour there were some little drops of water building up in the higher part of the bag. As the time progressed some of the drops got bigger and a lot of smaller drops formed. 

Stick Person

 Here are some stick people I made doing, Fly fishing, Netting a trout, spearing something, archery and gaming.

Tuesday, 28 December 2021



Friday, 24 December 2021

Paper Plane

 I made a paper plane following a video on YouTube. I would highly recommend the design because it flies in a straight line in the air like a real plane. I got my dart board and propped it up. I hit the dart board just not the bullseye. 

Thursday, 23 December 2021


 Here is a drum I made. I got a can and put paper over the top and taped it down. The reason it makes a noise is because it's hollow and when you hit it the noise echoes around the can.

Wednesday, 22 December 2021

Tuesday, 21 December 2021

Bridge Challange

 I made my bridge out of Lego because it would be easy to use and would be strong. I made a ramp go up to a platform on each side with supporting platforms. The ramps on the side gave way then the middle did. I found this out by pushing down on the middle with my hand until it broke.

Bellow is the bridge I made digitally. 

Monday, 20 December 2021

Sunday, 19 December 2021

Minecraft Challenge

I did one of the Hour of Code challenges. It was relativity easy but it just took a while with moving your agent/code builder. One of the reasons I find it easy is because once a week I go to a tech class after school.

Friday, 17 December 2021

Thursday, 9 December 2021

Arts Portfolio

 This a portfolio of some of the art I have made this year.

Visual Pepeha and Mihi

 At the start of this year I created a visual pepeha/mihi.

Tuesday, 7 December 2021

Aoraki Art

A while back I made some Aoraki art and a google drawing about how Aoraki was formed. 


Monday, 6 December 2021

Camp Site

Before and after I went on camp I worked on a website that I created to show the work I had done on camp and some other stuff related to camp.

Link to website

Friday, 29 October 2021

Heat Exhaustion

 My class has been learning about hypothermia and heat exhaustion because we are going on a class camp to Arthur's pass soon.

Heat exhaustion 

Heat exhaustion is when your body overheats and it can't heat itself.

Heat exhaustion can kill people and animals very easily.


The heat exhaustion symptoms are, cool moist skin with goosebumps,

heavy sweating, faintness, dizziness, fatigue, weak rapid pulse, low blood

pressure when standing and muscle cramps. If you have any of these

symptoms when you're in a hot place you should either go to hospital or go

to a colder place and have a cold drink. Drinking lots of water will minimise

the chance of getting heat exhaustion.


To prevent heat exhaustion you should stay under shade around 12 o'clock

because that’s when the sun is the most deadly. Drinking lots, cold showers,

air conditioning, shade and removing clothing layers. Wearing a hat can help.

When does your body go into heat exhaustion?

Your body starts going into heat exhaustion when your body temperature

goes above 40°. When you go into heat exhaustion  your brain will become

confused which will make you make bad decisions.  

Difference between heat stroke and heat exhaustion

Heat stroke is when your internal temperature reaches over 40° and heat

exhaustion is where you get muscle weakness, sudden sweating, nausea,

vomiting and possible fainting.

In conclusion it is best if you try to prevent heat exhaustion by doing the stuff

listed above. Always be aware of heat exhaustion if you're in the sun.

If you have kids or pets don’t leave them in a car with the windows up because

the car turns into an oven and unless someone sees the child or animal they

will die from heat exhaustion.


My class has been learning about hypothermia and heat exhaustion because we are going on a class camp to Arthur's pass soon.

Hypothermia is a severe condition when your body drops below 35°. If your body keeps on getting colder you can die. Hypothermia can be treated if recognised early. 


The symptoms of hypothermia are: Shivering, exhaustion, confusion, fumbling hands, memory loss, slurred speech and drowsiness. If you see anyone with these symptoms take them to a warmer area that's close to you. Wrap the person who has hyperthermia or hypothermia symptoms in a blanket or a coat. Try to warm up the person      

The most vulnerable people

People under 4 and over 65 are the most vulnerable people to get hypothermia. It is best if these people are wearing appropriate clothing for the occasion and to keep a close eye on.

How people are found after hypothermia

When people are found dead because of hypothermia they are often found naked because when you have severe hypothermia you can start to feel warm so you take off your clothes which makes your body colder and you die.

Brain damage

Hypothermia can give you temporary brain damage or long term brain damage. When you have hypothermia your brain stops functioning properly and you make bad decisions.

Body temperature

How does hypothermia happen? Hypothermia happens when your body temperature drops below 35°. The average body temperature is 37° or 38°. Hypothermia is caused when your body heat escapes your body faster than you can make heat. 

Wind chill

You have a higher chance of getting hypothermia if it’s windy because of wind chill. The wind makes you feel colder than it really is.

Hypothermia deaths

On average 1,500 people die every year because of hypothermia. That is probably more people that you have met. 


Hypothermia should be treated with caution at all times. You should always be aware of hypothermia no matter where you are. Hypothermia can cause camping in your backyard or tramping up a mountain. 

In conclusion hypothermia is serious and you should be cautious.

Friday, 24 September 2021


Friday, 10 September 2021



I was getting frustrated with my husband. I

wanted to get away from Mr Piggy but I

knew that it wouldn’t be easy. If I leave I

wouldn't have much money and Mr Piggy

could beat and force me to stay. I thought

that if I let the children go then he might

stop what he’s doing.

I also thought that if I tried to burn everything down Piggy wouldn’t have

any choice but to leave me.

After I let the kids go Piggy was mad at me

and wanted to get rid of me in the most

gruesome way possible. In my head I was

thinking that I had to get away. I waited in my

room until night and tried to leave but Mr Piggy

had locked my door and put metal bars over the

windows. I then remembered that I had dug an

emergency tunnel incase of an emergency.

I climbed down the ladder into a little tunnel

about 6 feet high. 

I made my way through the wet gloomy

tunnel. I eventually made it to the end and

went up the ladder that led into one of the

barns. I got into my car and drove off as

fast as I could. I think Piggy heard my car

and might have tried to follow me but it was

dark and he couldn't find me.

A few years later Mrs Piggy had changed

her name and married a nice man and

forgot about Piggy Bacon and lived happily

ever after.

What happens in the book

When Mr Piggy left, Mrs Piggy was nicer to

the kids and didn’t make them do as much


When a spider stung me Mrs Piggy would

sit next to me and comfort me.

After Wes died Mrs Piggy wouldn't

speak as much and be more solemn.

She wouldn’t play music anymore.

Ida became angry and tried to burn

the building down.

Ida wanted to let us go but Mr Piggy

wouldn’t allow it. Ida unlocked the door to let them escape.

Ida gave me my lucky key that Mr

Piggy threw away.

Thursday, 9 September 2021


 At this year's Paralympics we won 12 medals and 6 of them were gold. Sophie Pascoe won most of them. At the last Paralympics we won 21 at Reo.

Holly Robinson is the only West Coast athlete competing. She took her first gold in javelin. Her first phone call was to her grandmother who lives in Hokitika. They were both crying with happiness.


 At the Olympics there were temporary rooms to accommodate 11,656 athletes. The beds were made out of cardboard so they could recycle them. The beds could hold up to 200kg.

They are going to sell the rooms the athletes slept in after the Olympics.


Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Real life compared to Running Wild

 In the book Running Wild written by Michael Morpurgo the main character Will experiences poaching. Will and his elephant Oona ran away from a tsunami and got lost in the jungle. Will got kidnapped by poachers and put into a cage where he then escaped.  

Poaching is where someone kills an animal for the expensive parts to sell illegally. Elephants are poached for the ivory in their tusks because it can be worth a substantial amount of money. A single pound of ivory can be worth around $1,500 and tusks can weigh around 250 pounds which would cost about $375,000.

In the book Running Wild they are poaching for orangutans and tigers.

Orangutans are worth about $217.60 And tiger skins are worth $124,000 and a stuffed tiger is worth $700,000. Those prices are phenomenal for an animal. 

For example the elephant tusks are worth about 375,00 dollars and a mini yacht goes from $300,000 to $5,000,000. You could buy 9 Teslas from two elephant tusks. 

Poaching is a serious problem because lots of animal species are going extinct. The governments are trying to stop poaching but there are so many places to poach it’s really hard. 

There are 30,000 species of animals that have gone extinct due to poaching. There are around 300 species that go extinct every year around the world.

In New Zealand there are animals that are getting poached such as geckos, exotic parrots, tuatara and native species. If you are caught poaching in New Zealand you can go to jail for two years or pay a  $100,000 fine. 

There are people who are paid to stop poaching. In some countries there are rangers and in New Zealand DOC would report you to the police. 

Poachers in New Zealand have to battle through wet weather, raging rivers and lack of food being up in the bush for long periods of time. 

In nearly every country you go to there would be poachers poaching animals that are valuable. 

Poaching has been defined as the illegal hunting or capturing of wild animals. The term poaching has also been used to refer to the harvesting of wild plant species.

There are problems that poachers have to face like rangers. Poachers have to deal with harsh conditions, not much money and the animals don't just stand there asking to be captured. If you shoot an elephant there is a chance that it could crage at you, killing you.  If you were hunting tigers there could be other tigers that could attack you. If you were hunting crocodiles there could be other crocodiles that could attack you.

One of the animals that is extinct mostly due to poaching is the Tasmanian tiger. The Tasmanian tiger was last sighted in 1930. There have been people who say they saw a Tasmanian tiger but the doubt’s on that they didn’t.

If the human race keeps on killing all the animals there won't be many animals left and the ecosystem could be destroyed. When their habitats are destroyed poachers could try and catch them.

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Friday, 13 August 2021

Monday, 9 August 2021


 This story is written by a elephant 

Oona in the jungle

I was walking along the soft sand on the beach with the waves washing against my feet. The waves were nice and warm. 

I was starting to wonder why the water was slowly sucking out. I then got a feeling in the pits of my stomach. A feeling of disaster. I started to run away from the sea. My heart was thumping as I ran. 

I ran until I reached a creek. I did not care if there were crocodiles. I ran into the creek and took a long drink.

Will ran up and jumped into the creek.

Will gave me some of my favorite leaves to eat.

He gestured for me to stay where I was until he got back. I was exhausted from all the running so I layed down for a nap. I woke up with Will screeching into my ear.

I got up and looked around. I saw Will eating some berries. He motioned for me to get up and follow him.

I was wondering where he would take me. Will jumped up onto my trunk and signalled for me to walk forwards.

I kept on walking until I heard a rustling ahead in the bushes. A tiger walked out of the bushes and started circling me. I could feel Will climbing higher and higher up my trunk. The tiger eventually walked away but came back a few hours later. The tiger walked a few meters ahead of me and every time I stopped the tiger layed down at a tree. 

Eventually we got to a hole of water. The tiger walked away and layed down on a rock. Will started jumping in and diving around while I was frolicking around in the deeper part. The tiger was cleaning himself on the rock while watching us.

We kept on walking and the tiger kept on appearing and disappearing. Eventually we got to a clearing and the tiger left. I felt relieved that the tiger was finally gone. I'm pretty sure Will felt the same. 

Every night Will climbed a tree just in case the tiger came back. I slept under the tree that Will was sleeping in. 

When we were hungry I reached up with my trunk and pulled off some figs. Will was too small to reach the figs so he climbed up the trees to get some.

The figs had been left alone for quite a while so they were all juicy and ripe. The figs reminded me of eating watermelons. Every time I was thirsty I would walk down to the river and take a long drink. 

Will and I were walking through the dense bush when we reached a small clearing. I looked up and saw some orangutans watching us. The orangutans were frozen with half eaten figs in their hand not chewing.

Tsunami Writing

Friday, 9 July 2021


Friday, 2 July 2021


Sharks in the Bahamas

This week for literacy Zade, Seth, Rian, Nate and I did a project on sharks. 

Friday, 25 June 2021

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Literacy work

This week for literacy we continue to read the book Refugee. Here is some of my work.

Literacy work

Friday, 18 June 2021

Polish Child Story

 The year is 1944. The ship sails through the rough storm. The waves crash into the side of the ship. A massive wave crashed into the ship. A shock wave rattled through the ship making cutlery go flying. In the depth of the ship Alexander was getting thrown around his bed. Alexander got thrown onto the ground. He woke up and ran into where his parents were staying. “Mum I'm scared”, Alexander whimpered, his mum replied, “It’s ok sweetie, We’ll arrive in New Zealand soon, Go back to bed”. 

Alexander woke up to the gentle swaying of the ship. The storm had passed and everything was back to how it was before. Alexander woke his family to go get breakfast. In the dining room there were crew members sweeping up smashed glass. Alexander went and grabbed some toast and jam. He started eating when an announcement came through the speakers. “This is Captain Kane, We will be arriving in New Zealand in a few hours”. 

Alexander was sitting in the main lounge reading the comics when another announcement came over the intercom. “We have arrived at our destination and hope you enjoy your stay in New Zealand,''. 

Alexander walked off the boat into the unknown. He saw a police officer walk past and he got scared and shrank back towards the other side of the road. Alexander ran to his mum saying

“There are police walking around, I'm scared”.

“It's ok there, good police, not like the polish ones”.

Alexander and his family started walking trying to find a place to stay. After half an hour of walking, Alexander's mum saw a motel. They went inside to see if there were any spare rooms. The person working there said there was a spare room. They walked around for a few minutes until they found it. 

Alexander's mum told him that she wants 5 minutes in peace. Alexander walked away and came back a few minutes later to see his mum crying quietly. “Mum what's wrong”.

“It's your dad, I miss him”. 

“It's ok mum he will be ok up in the skies.

4 years later Alexander was happily going to school and living in a moderate size house on the edge of a lake. Alexander forgot all about Poland.

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Monday, 31 May 2021

DLO Measurement

Thursday, 13 May 2021


Here is one of my reading activities about similes.

A simile is a phrase that uses a comparison to describe


Friday, 7 May 2021

Think and Respond

We had to read/listen to a book called Refugee.

Here is my project.

Tuesday, 13 April 2021


Here are some of the Anzac activities I've done.

The first one is my favourite.

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Fishing safety

Made by Cameron and Nate

Friday, 19 March 2021

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Duck Racing

Friday, 19 February 2021

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Who am I?


We learnt how to write clues to get people to guess Who Am I?

I learnt about lots of other people interests.

We created a picture collage as well to show people some of our other interest's in a picture form

I created a wanted poster so people can see who I look like to find me and get the 2 dollar reward.



3 things I learnt

1. When the treaty was singed,

2. Who Hōne Heke,

3. Where the treaty was singed,

Friday, 22 January 2021


Thursday, 21 January 2021

Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Summer Songs

 For today activity I had to list some summer songs. 

I choose some songs I liked and some songs my brother and family liked.

What songs do you like?

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Monday, 18 January 2021


 I built the catapult using a toilet paper roll, wooden spoon and some electrical tape.

It works better if you stuff the inside with paper so it doesn't make the toilet paper roll break.


I did a test flight with chocolate highly recommended.


Sunday, 17 January 2021


The place I want to go to the most is Kaiteriteri because I went there a few years ago and I really liked it.

I chose a route up through Kaikoura to see a whale.

Saturday, 16 January 2021

Camping supplies

 Camping supplies

  1. Bug spray

  2. Food/water

  3. Tent

  4. Tarp

  5. Bag

  6. Knife

  7. Slugun for target practise

  8. Spear 

  9. Fishing rod

  10. Plastic bags

  11. Sleeping bag

  12. Torch

  13. Pillow

  14. Dog

<<<----- My dog