Saturday, 16 January 2021

Camping supplies

 Camping supplies

  1. Bug spray

  2. Food/water

  3. Tent

  4. Tarp

  5. Bag

  6. Knife

  7. Slugun for target practise

  8. Spear 

  9. Fishing rod

  10. Plastic bags

  11. Sleeping bag

  12. Torch

  13. Pillow

  14. Dog

<<<----- My dog 

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Cameron,

    My name is Zana and I am a blog commenter from the Summer Learning Journey.

    This is a great activity for this time of year as a lot of people go camping over summer, have you been camping this summer?

    Your list is very well throughout and I think you have added all the essential items you would need and I like that you categorized each item. I think you have all the essentials for a classic camping trip as well as items for a survival mission!

    Have you had a look at the step it up activity, I think you would enjoy designing your own camping device.

    Keep up the great work and I hope to see more of your posts over the summer.

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.