I must confess, I am personally no good at origami. I spent around 45 minutes trying to make the box. I tried around 4 different boxes. In the end I just couldn't do it so my dad did it. It took him around 45 minutes to do it.
Between us we wasted around 20 A4 sheets of paper.
Kia Ora
It is Great to see that you and your dad were able to work together- Great Teamwork. It is always good to see that despite it being a challenge you still gave it a go. This shows you have a strong give it a go mindset which will serve you well in the future and is an excellent quality to develop and enhance. Well it looks really good and well constructed.
Origami is quite difficult and does take a lot of practice. I used to try and practise making an origami crane during most of my form classes. Finally, by the end of the year I was able to make one. Was your dad able to give you any useful tips or advice on how to go about creating one?
Keep up the Super work we look forward to your next blog post!!!
Ngā mihi,