Saturday, 22 January 2022

Summer Learning Journey Reflection

 My favourite activity this summer was the Family Treasure Island activity. I enjoyed setting it up and watching my family struggle. 

I have been doing the summer learning journey for over two years and the one thing I struggled on was the origami. The origami instructions were unclear and it took so long to get even slightly close to finishing.

The thing I think I learnt the most about would be the poetry. I learnt about snowflake poems and other types of poems.

Next year I would like to see more outdoor activates like building things only using things you find outdoors.

The picture to the left is me


Friday, 21 January 2022

Painting a Rock

 The activity was to paint a rock. I didn't have time to paint a rock because I have a friend coming around soon so I used pens. I am going to put the rock somewhere random.

I don't like art that much because I find it boring and don't have the time to do it.

Thursday, 20 January 2022

Whose Bag

 The activity was to find out about the person who owned the bag.

Wednesday, 19 January 2022

Treasure Island

 Today I did the Family Treasure Island. The challenge was to make our own Treasure Island games and for our family to do them. Only my dad and brother competed though. 

What I did was blindfold them. I then made then spin around a lot. They then had to make their way from our living room to our dining room. From there still blindfolded they had to choose one out of three cups. One of the cups had juice in it and the other two had water. The goal was to drink the juice on your first try.

My dad made it to the juice and managed to pick the cup of juice. My brother though walked into a book shelf with a big DONK and then walked past the table so that means he lost and my dad won.

Tuesday, 18 January 2022


 I am sick again. I have a tonsil infection which causes me to throw up. But this morning I don't fell sick but my tonsils still hurt. 

I made a kite out of driftwood and a plastic bag. Where I live there is hardly any wind so it didn't fly with out running and even then it barely flew. Since I'm sick my mum ran with the kite.

Snowball Poem


Big fish

Lots of fun

Fishing nearly every day

Catching fish and loosing fish

Rivers lakes ponds creeks sea estuary

Catch release, smoked fried baked battered delicious  

Saturday, 15 January 2022

Water Ink

I left the circle in the water for around 15 minutes an tried some different pens. I think I used the wrong pens and paper. So unfortunately it didn't work.  

My mum told me to use toilet paper and then it worked. The toilet paper is more absorbent.

Friday, 14 January 2022



Thursday, 13 January 2022

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Ice Art

I am currently sick on holiday. All I had was a Coke bottle. There is a balcony where I am staying so I took a bit of one of the plants and froze it over night


Monday, 10 January 2022


 Currently I am on holiday in Nelson so it was much more difficult to make a musical instrument. The one thing they do have in a motel is cups and water. I filled up 3 wine glasses with water. The more water in the cup the lower the pitch because the water stops the cup from vibrating.

Friday, 7 January 2022

Art and Swing

 I found the string art to hard. Poking the holes was easy but threading it through then going back to a hole that had wool through it then to a different hole I just couldn't do it. My dad ended up doing it. While he was doing that I had some sticks and string. I thought it would be cool to make a swing.

By the way the scissors and dog is for scale.

Thursday, 6 January 2022

Wednesday, 5 January 2022



Tuesday, 4 January 2022


 Here is some art I made. I'm not good at art so I only did 4 shapes because it was easier. 

Monday, 3 January 2022


 I tried to do the arrow through the cup with water illusion but it didn't seem to work. All the happened was either I saw the arrow the way it was or it distorted into circles. I'm not sure why it didn't work. It might be because of my cup or where I was holding the arrow.

I did it again today and it worked. I don't know why it didn't work the first time. I also used a different cup.