Monday 13 January 2020

Imagine you have a diary. In your diary please write a story about your most extraordinary day.

Dear Diary today I wen't and climbed mount Everest. I did it so fast I broke a record. Then I skied back down. That was today's news.


  1. Hi Cameron
    How fast do you think you would of done it? Can you ski? Great imagination. Keep it up

  2. Hi Cameron,

    It’s Leisha here again!

    Climbing Mt Everest would definitely be an extraordinary day! What a great idea to write your diary entry about! It would be great to see a little more information shared in your diary. You could tell us how long it took to climb? Did you do the climb all on your own or did you have friends with you?

    I’d love to hear more. Looking forward to your reply!



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